Personal Trainer in Hintonburg (Ottawa)

Balance your Inner & Outer Strength

heart over matter wholistic fitness will Help you ground into your body by being the bridge between the physical to the metaphysical for a more wholistic approach.

Main banner of Matt in the gym with overlayed Heart Over Matter logo.
A photo of Matt training a young woman at the gym.

Personal Training in Hintonburg, online, or in your home.


Matt has completely transformed how I train and how I treat my body. I highly recommend him to anyone looking to get their body & mind feeling great!

— Elena

Matt is proactive in keeping me accountable so that training doesn't fall to the wayside when life inevitably gets in the way occasionally; this has made it really easy to keep on track.

— Roisin

I would highly recommend his training style for not just beginners but anyone that is striving to achieve any kind of fitness goal.

— Mimi

After training with Matt I established a stronger sense of confidence and strength I never knew I had before.

— Lief

Training with Matt has been great! He uses classic techniques to get results while keeping things interesting by speaking and giving advice about health in a holistic way.

— Cat A.